As part of SIO Karnataka's Tazkiya Campaign, 3 units of Bangalore (BTM Unit, Bangalore East Unit and Jayanagar Unit) organised a combined Tazkiya Program from 10th February 2018 after maghrib to 11th February 2018 morning at Salaam Centre, Jayanagar.
The objective of the campaign and the program was to develop inter-personal relations among the SIO members and associates. Keeping the objective in mind, various activities were conducted, namely:

The objective of the campaign and the program was to develop inter-personal relations among the SIO members and associates. Keeping the objective in mind, various activities were conducted, namely:
- Quran Study Circle
- Indoor and Outdoor Games
- Book Review
- Cultural Session
- Case Studies

More than 60 students and youth from different units of SIO Bangalore participated in the program.