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Showing posts from September, 2008

Ramadhan: Time for introspection

Once again the holy month of Ramadhan is knocking at the doors of our fleeting lives. This is the annual season of sincere introspection, moral revitalisation, renewal of commitment and revival of Islamic spirit, for every individual and for the Ummah as a whole. This is the month in which the Last Testament of Allah addressed to entire humanity, the Holy Qur’an, was revealed as the abiding source of guidance and inspiration for one and all. Every individual Muslim spends this month in remembrance of God, prayers and special worship of daylong fasting. The nights are spent in special Taraweeh prayers in which the whole of Qur’an from Al-Fatihah to Al-Nas is recited and listened to with rapt attention, deep devotion and thoughtful contemplation. This is the month in which sustenance (rizq) of a believer is increased abundantly. Man does not leave on bread alone. Our moral needs are also fulfilled in this month by Divine dispensation. We are lavishly blessed with our moral requirement