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City Level Tarbiyati Program

The Tarbiyati Program was conducted on 27th April 2014 from 9 am to 5 pm at Masjid-e-Saad bin Abi Waqas at RT Nagar. The theme of the Tarbiyati Program was based on Islamic Movement. The program featured talks on ‘Introduction to Islamic Movement’ and ‘Challenges before Islamic Movement’ by Janab Atharullah Shareef (Ameer-e-Halqa – JIH Karnataka). The talks were followed by distribution of membership awards to Br. Adial Hasan, Br. Fazil Ahmed, Br. Syed Mujahid and Br. Shayan.
The post lunch session began with a case study on ‘The Leadership of Abubakar (ra)’ which was followed by a talk on ‘Najmuddin Erbakan’ by Janab Syed Tanveer Ahmed (ZAC Member – JIH Karnataka). The program concluded by a speech by Br. Syed Kazim (President – SIO Bangalore). More than 50 people attended the program. 
