The Qur'an is the ultimate guide for mankind sent by Almighty Allah. It gives us solutions to all our problems and provides a complete code of life. As the twentieth century comes to an end it is time to reflect on our achievements and failures in responding to the Qur'anic challenge of creating a good society on earth. The entire human history has been a history of the struggle to bring about this ideal society. The ideal that Islam is seeking is also a universal ideal for the entire humanity. It has been a mission of all the prophets and all the sages to see that humanity through its spiritual and moral perfection brings about the establishment of a just community. But it has not been an easy task.

Hence Students Islamic Organisation of India is organizing a Qur'an Campaign from 6th to 15th of May 2011 in which focus will be on the following aspects:
(1) Qur'an as a prime source of Information and Inspiration
(2) To fulfill the obligations of relationship with Qur'an in all dimensions
(3) To make Qur'an part of a daily life
(4) To understand the basic message, theme and focal areas of Qur'an
(5) To absorb the spirit of Qur'an in our personality
(6) To orient the life in accordance with the Quranic Teachings
(7) To read Qur'an with respect to Time and Space
(8) To understand and analyze present Society and its problems in the light of Qur'an