This bouquet of different cultures and communities, is unfortunately shadowed by caste conflicts, communal hatred, regional chauvinism. Despite the abundant natural resources and tremendous economic boom the widening gulf between the rich and poor, farmers’ suicides and the starvation deaths are as if not enough causes of concern, we have the separatist, militant and terrorist tendencies too raising their ugly heads.
In spite of a strong state machinery, powerful police force, pro active judiciary and vigilant media separatists in the far eastern states, naxalites in the eastern part are gaining grounds. The Marathi-Hindi chauvinism is spilling over. Atrocities, genocides, annihilation of areas and localities are on the raise. Bride burning, stripping of women and their parading have even lost their news value. Like wise the vandalizing of religious places, planting bombs at public places and killing innocents is becoming part of social life. Strangely our police and intelligence learn about these events like the commoners only after they take place.
Just think over! Is it up to a welfare state and a civilized society to allow a particular group to perpetrate atrocities on the weaker sections and the minorities? In order to curb terrorism kill the youths of a particular community in fake encounters and custodies? To abuse the innocents as terrorists before any inquiry is held and even deprive them from legal help to prove their innocence? To shoot and kill the protestors against injustice? This horrible and painful scenario makes a mockery of our esteemed civilization, towers of development and the flying flags of scientific advancement.
It appears that the state machinery is helpless, police is crippled and intelligence is clueless. People are left at the mercy of brutes. More worry some is the attitude of men at the helm of affairs of shirking away from the responsibility by throwing blame on others. Still more horrible is that the agony of the unfortunates is looked at as a fitting strategy in the election politics and short cut to the seat of power. Neither the sense of accountability nor the fear of law has touched the power mongers.
Criminals too have gained entry into the legislatures, communalists too have put on the respectable khaki uniforms, and short sighted and people indifferent to the consequences too have become saviors of law. Amongst them a few honest, dutiful and humane persons have remained helpless and ineffective. Equally helpless is the majority of the aspirants of peace and justice.
For every true patriot the situation is very alarming rather, challenging. The situation heralds for immediate action. It is time for us to stand up for the cause of the oppressed, the deprived, and the crippled. We should strive to establish the supremacy of law and justice, love and peace, harmony and brother hood. Law should be allowed to take its course of action against the oppressors. No caste and community feelings should come in the way. Truth, honesty, peace and justice should prevail upon the majority and minority feelings.
In order to bring this awakening and mobilize the awakened for a sincere course of action, Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, a premier Islamic organization of India has organized Caravan of Peace and Justice across the country from 10th to 25th November 2008. Whether Hindu or Muslim, Sikh or Christian, youth or aged, all are invited to join the Caravan. Come, join hands for a better change and make a strong, vibrant, peaceful and a just India.