Once again the holy month of Ramadhan is knocking at the doors of our fleeting lives. This is the annual season of sincere introspection, moral revitalisation, renewal of commitment and revival of Islamic spirit, for every individual and for the Ummah as a whole. This is the month in which the Last Testament of Allah addressed to entire humanity, the Holy Qur’an, was revealed as the abiding source of guidance and inspiration for one and all.
Every individual Muslim spends this month in remembrance of God, prayers and special worship of daylong fasting. The nights are spent in special Taraweeh prayers in which the whole of Qur’an from Al-Fatihah to Al-Nas is recited and listened to with rapt attention, deep devotion and thoughtful contemplation.
This is the month in which sustenance (rizq) of a believer is increased abundantly. Man does not leave on bread alone. Our moral needs are also fulfilled in this month by Divine dispensation. We are lavishly blessed with our moral requirements – deeper faith, greater devotion and nobler character. Even lesser mortals among us aspire for higher moral traits of humanity. This is the month of learning the art of loving human beings, sharing their sorrows and addressing their concerns and enhancing our capacity for fighting the system that promotes poverty and ignorance.
We speak about difficult times through which the Ummah is passing. No doubt we see everywhere ever increasing difficulties for the Ummah. There is an atmosphere of misunderstandings which are being spread with passionate vigour. The so-called war on terror is directed against Islam and Muslims. In India also we see efforts to equate Islam with violence and terror. Educated youth, professionals and even religious scholars are being harassed day in and day out. Unfortunately a very bad image of Muslims is being built and every Muslim has been made an object of suspicion. But there is no dearth of good hearted people who are fighting hatred and suspicion. They understand that this atmosphere being created by vested interests and communal politicians will lead to long lasting and destructive consequences. This may prove to be very harmful for the amity and cohesion of our plural society. It has the potential to destroy the country’s future and throw it in never ending conflicts. Let us work hard and do the stupendous task of image correction with the help of people of understanding.
Let us learn the biggest lessons of the month – dependence on Allah, confidence in our destiny, patience, perseverance, cool analytical thinking and honest introspection. Have we done our duty properly? Are we up to the mark? Do we present the best example of human character? Let us learn in this month of Sabr how to be steadfast in the face of adversity. Let us remember that we have to live not only for ourselves but for the good of all, with the sole objective of earning the pleasure of Allah. We have a special duty towards our fellow countrymen of raising the level of their God-consciousness and fighting the forces of immorality and corrupt materialism. Great task indeed. May Allah give us wisdom, strength and patience to do the needful. May this Ramadhan bring the gland tidings of ethical rejuvenation for us. May we become the embodiment of integrity, honesty and justice and a beacon light of all that is good in human nature. (From the editorial of RADIANCE VIEWS WEEKLY)
Every individual Muslim spends this month in remembrance of God, prayers and special worship of daylong fasting. The nights are spent in special Taraweeh prayers in which the whole of Qur’an from Al-Fatihah to Al-Nas is recited and listened to with rapt attention, deep devotion and thoughtful contemplation.
This is the month in which sustenance (rizq) of a believer is increased abundantly. Man does not leave on bread alone. Our moral needs are also fulfilled in this month by Divine dispensation. We are lavishly blessed with our moral requirements – deeper faith, greater devotion and nobler character. Even lesser mortals among us aspire for higher moral traits of humanity. This is the month of learning the art of loving human beings, sharing their sorrows and addressing their concerns and enhancing our capacity for fighting the system that promotes poverty and ignorance.
We speak about difficult times through which the Ummah is passing. No doubt we see everywhere ever increasing difficulties for the Ummah. There is an atmosphere of misunderstandings which are being spread with passionate vigour. The so-called war on terror is directed against Islam and Muslims. In India also we see efforts to equate Islam with violence and terror. Educated youth, professionals and even religious scholars are being harassed day in and day out. Unfortunately a very bad image of Muslims is being built and every Muslim has been made an object of suspicion. But there is no dearth of good hearted people who are fighting hatred and suspicion. They understand that this atmosphere being created by vested interests and communal politicians will lead to long lasting and destructive consequences. This may prove to be very harmful for the amity and cohesion of our plural society. It has the potential to destroy the country’s future and throw it in never ending conflicts. Let us work hard and do the stupendous task of image correction with the help of people of understanding.
Let us learn the biggest lessons of the month – dependence on Allah, confidence in our destiny, patience, perseverance, cool analytical thinking and honest introspection. Have we done our duty properly? Are we up to the mark? Do we present the best example of human character? Let us learn in this month of Sabr how to be steadfast in the face of adversity. Let us remember that we have to live not only for ourselves but for the good of all, with the sole objective of earning the pleasure of Allah. We have a special duty towards our fellow countrymen of raising the level of their God-consciousness and fighting the forces of immorality and corrupt materialism. Great task indeed. May Allah give us wisdom, strength and patience to do the needful. May this Ramadhan bring the gland tidings of ethical rejuvenation for us. May we become the embodiment of integrity, honesty and justice and a beacon light of all that is good in human nature. (From the editorial of RADIANCE VIEWS WEEKLY)