Bombers had done the most heinous crime against humanity: SIO
“Bombers had done the most heinous crime against humanity spoiling society’s peace and harmony, it is necessary for the people to maintain peace and harmony in this situation” said Md Bilal, Secretary, SIO Karnataka Zone. He was present in a peaceful demonstration conducted by SIO, Bangalore City at Mahatma Gandhi statue on 28th of July to protest against the serial bomb blasts that ripped Bangalore and Ahmedabad. Banners were used to protest against the bomb blasts and urged the people of the whole country to remain calm and maintain communal harmony. SIO Bangalore City President Isthiyakh was also present in the protest. Be it Mumbai, Jaipur, Malegao, Gujarat carnage, Akhsardham, Mecca Masjid, Bangalore or Ahmedabad, terrorists are successful in creating a terror atmosphere through out the country. With this protest SIO demands the Government that the perpetrators of bombings have to be brought in front of justice. At the same time innocents must not be tortured or punished as it is happening in various parts of the country. It will only help the actual criminals played behind this crime. SIO urges that in this situation political parties instead of playing a blame game should put their efforts together to find a real and amicable solution. It is not right to blame a particular community when the investigation is in the initial stage.
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